Friday, November 2, 2007

Ironpants tells Shawn his application to the academy has been turned down. He says Shawn can have a second chance in January if he proves he can be responsible. Shawn don' wan' no stinkin' responsibility.

Hope tells half of Salem Belle slept with Phillip. Before she tells Bo, she makes him promise not to fly off the handle. Bo flies off the handle.

Phillip puts the moves on Belle.

We get the shocking revelation of who wrote the nasty letter about Shawn to the police academy.

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Lucas tells Sami, "I don't know how to let you go. I can't. I don't know how to do it."

Morgan says to Max, "So that's why I'm here right now. To give you a chance to say 'I told you so.'"

Chelsea asks, Is something wrong?" Jett says, "Yeah, you could say that. We've got a problem with Ford Decker." Nick asks, "What kind of a problem." Jett says, "He may wind up getting away with rape."