Melanie wakes up and comes unglued when she finds Carly in her room.
EJ spreads the word that Sydney is dead. He asks Brady to break the news to Nicole.
Arianna tells Brady that Sami isn't being fair with Rafe.
Bo questions Victor about his role in Melanie's shooting.
Phillip gives Vivian both barrels, plus a fireplace poker. He goes to the hospital upon hearing the news that Melanie is awake.
Abe thinks Bo is mishandling Carly's case because he's personally involved. Ya think?
Victor tells Vivian she'd better tow the line or she'll go to jail.
Daniel stops Phillip from going into Melanie's room while Carly is in there.
Carly tells Melanie she is her mother.
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EJ screams at Rafe, "What are you going to do? Are you going to bring Sydney back?"
Bo tells Vivian, "Carly's on the street right now."
Melanie yells at Carly, "Get out of here!"