Carly inadvertently tells Chloe that Daniel is Melanie's father.
Chloe and Daniel's relationship disappears faster than a snowball in an atomic blast furnace.
Melanie senses something is bothering Daniel.
Phillip tries to cheer Melanie up.
Melanie asks about Nathan.
Nathan and Stephanie have one more round of monkey sex before returning to Salem.
Nathan discovers Melanie was shot and runs to see her.
EJ tells Sydney her mother won't know what hit her.
Rafe nearly discovers Sami watching the Syd-vid.
EJ tells Sami he delivered the ransom, but cautions her not to get her hopes up.
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Carly tells Bo, "There is only one person who can take care of Vivian, and that's me."
Daniel yells at Vivian, "You listen to me!"
Nathan tells Melanie, "I think you still care about me."