Arianna freaks when she sees Rafe and Nicole making out at the Cheatin' Heart.
A fools' parade takes the stand to testify on Hope's behalf. Arianna tells the judge Hope should be punished for what she did.
Judge Fitzpatrick sentences Hope and everyone says a tearful goodbye to her.
Sami the tease stops EJ in mid-romp and says she wants to wait until their wedding night.
Brady visits Isabella's crypt and drowns his sorrows. Sami lectures him. He lectures back.
Drunken Rafe takes drunken Nicole back to her hovel and things develop.
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Vivian tells Gus, "I have a plan to get that phony out of Victor's life for once and for all."
EJ tells Arianna, "Samantha and I are getting married."
Shocked Sami gets an eyeful as Nicole and Rafe grind away on each other.