Will thanks Nicole for her involvement in having EJ drop the custody suit.
Mia gives Chad the brush-off.
Phillip talks Melanie into going with him instead of waiting for Nathan to return. They go to the Horton cabin where Phillip makes a pass at her.
They rush Chloe to the hospital again. Circumstantial evidence makes things look bad for Daniel.
Daniel fights to save Chloe's life.
Bo and Hope announce Chloe's case is being treated as a criminal investigation.
Maggie tells the cops about hearing Daniel threaten Chloe.
Nicole digs up dirt on Chad and comes down on him like a ton of bricks.
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Stephanie asks Nathan, "So you're saying Melanie stood you up for Phillip?"
Mia tells Will, "There's something else about me."
Daniel asks, "What the hell is going on here?" Bo asks, "Why don't you tell me?"
Kate tells Hope, "This is completely my fault. I'm responsible."