Will asks Mia about Chad. She tells him Chad was no big deal. Chad and Will toss threats at each other.
Stephanie tells Phillip and half of Salem their relationship is over.
Nicole tells EJ she can understand how Sami feels about Johnny. EJ blows his stack.
Bo and Victor talk about the Kiriakis/DiMera feud. Victor insists the feud doesn't exist.
Bo goes to talk things over with Phillip.
Stefano tells Nicole he knows she took Johnny to see Sami, but says he's still her ally.
At the Horton Cabin, it's the guys against the gals in a revealing game of strip poker.
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Hope says, "I couldn't do it, Brady. I couldn't go through it again."
Arianna tells Brady, "I'm sorry, but I don't think this is gonna work."
Stephanie tells Phillip, "Just let me go. Just say goodbye."
Nicole asks, "EJ, is that what you want? Is that what you want for your son?"