Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Big Letdown After The Big Reveal

Knowing Sydney is Sami's baby, Rafe and Sami go on an odyssey to find her.

Chloe referees between Nicole and Daniel.

Nicole gives Sydney to Chloe and asks her to watch her until she can arrange to leave town.

Bo and Hope reconcile for about five seconds and then the trouble starts again.

Caroline cautions Bo to put his marriage in front of his obligations to Carly.

Carly tries to counsel Mia. Chad shows up and starts World War III.

Rafe finds Sydney with Chloe.

Chad rejects Sami when she tries to console him.

See today's full blog or leave comments here

EJ asks Kate, "What have you done with Sydney?"

Rafe tells Chloe, "Nicole isn't going to get away with this. She's going down."

Sami screams at Nicole, "Tell me where my daughter is or so help me God I will make you tell me."