Brady offers to help Arianna and they make up - Over and over and over...
EJ attacks Mattaeo as he shoots Rafe. Mattaeo rats out Stefano and is arrested.
Rafe makes a miracle recovery. He runs to Sami with the news that her baby is alive.
EJ tips off Stefano, who leaves town thinking EJ betrayed him.
Stephanie thinks she and Melanie should bury the hatchet. Phillip horns in on their little meeting.
Melanie admits to Stephanie that she has feelings for both Phillip and Nathan.
Nicole tells Sami they can't be friends.
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Bo asks Hope, "Can I come in? I wanted to say I'm sorry."
Rafe says, "Grace was never your child." Sami asks, "How dare you?"
Nicole asks EJ, "Where is Sydney? What did you do with her?" Kate watches.