Wired-up Sami attempts to get Stefano to confess to taking Sydney. Things don't work out as planned.
Stefano accuses EJ of being a Judas for working with Rafe and Sami.
Hope plays along with Vivian so she can set her up to get information from her.
Nicole tells Roman a woman took Sydney. She begs Chloe to ask Brady to come and see her.
Brady refuses to go see Nicole. Arianna is proud of him for resisting his "addiction."
Troy tells Arianna her next drug shipment will be delayed.
Bo and Carly relive more of their wedding vows.
Justin has a double latte and a heapin' helpin' of Maggie at the Java Cafe.
Roman arrests Stefano for assault.
Rafe plays his little I-have-to-go-but-can't-tell-you-where trick on Sami.
EJ says he's proud of Sami for standing up to Stefano.
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Vivian tells Kate, "I will protect Phillip from his mommie dearest with my life."
Stephanie tells Melanie, "Nathan and I will be spending Christmas together."
Nicole tells Roman, "I just wanna die because that is what I deserve."