Phillip takes Melanie to an inn near Salem to spend Christmas. He pops the question. That's right, THE question.
Brady tells Nicole about the false lead. Nicole thinks she recognizes the voice of the woman who took Sydney.
After more bickering, Mia and Will decide to go to the dance.
Chad teaches Gabi to dance. Mia watches.
Anna declines Roman's invitations to get together for Christmas.
Stephanie and Nathan find themselves nervously standing under a sprig of mistletoe.
Justin tells Phillip Adrian wants a divorce.
Brady fires Nicole's incompetent public defender.
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Bo tells Doug and Julie, "It would take an awful lot for us to get that Christmas miracle this year."
Hope asks Sami, "Can I give you a little advice?"
Carly and Rafe bump into each other. They chant in unison, "It's you!"