Friday, May 14, 2010

Jonesing For EJ

Hope continues to believe Ciara is making things up. She and Justin talk about it.

Baker tells Nicole he has to wait on word from his partner before they frame Arianna.

Arianna catches Nicole stealing a glass from the pub.

Sami tells Brady if Rafe asked, she'd get back together with him in a heartbeat.

Brady wonders if Arianna is working with Nicole because she has something to prove.

Will's relationship with Sami thaws a bit.

EJ arranges for contractors to repair the damage in Sami's home.

Sami and EJ share a fun evening with Will, Johnny and Sydney.

Stefano can't reach Anna.

Rafe grills Anna and intimidates her into agreeing to tell everything.

See today's full blog or leave comments here

Hope asks Baker, "Whatever happened to staying true to your partner?"

Rafe yells at Anna, "Who helped you kidnap Sydney?"

Sami tells EJ, "I swear to God when I find out who did this, I'm going to kill them."