Monday, May 3, 2010

Sick... Really Sick

Hope and Baker mug Brady and take his valuables. Hope leaves her mark.

Nicole and Gabi argue as Brady staggers into the pub.

Roman investigates Brady's mugging. Gabi provides an alibi for Nicole.

Nathan and Stephanie spend a quiet evening together in bed.

A bag lady finds the mystery package Stephanie threw in the trash.

Phillip tells Melanie he thinks they should leave Daniel and Chloe alone for a while.

Chloe and Carly fight.

Daniel and Chloe confront the motel clerk, who denies everything.

Phillip suffers from guilt.

Hope thinks she's having strange dreams.

See today's full blog or leave comments here

Kate says, "Excuse me." Sami says, "I'm not turning my son over to you."

Stefano asks EJ, "Who said I had a real problem? Nobody is going to find her."

Anna asks, "Calliope?" Calliope giggles.