Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Your Little Pigeon Flew The Coop

Sami decides she's not staying at the DiMera Mansion. Stefano's little trick changes her mind about that.

Rafe forces Calliope to get Anna to Talk.

Anna tries to get off the island, but can't.

EJ wonders if he's the reason Sami is conflicted about moving in.

Sami tells EJ he kissed her.

Arianna has the cramps. (I don't make this stuff up, folks... I just report it).

Will finds a picture of Kate and Madeline and shows it to Chad.

Madeline meets Kate and tells her she will suffer more if people find out what happened.

See today's full blog or leave comments here

Melanie tells Stephanie, "He deserves to know the truth."

Rafe looks into his computer and mumbles, "We got her right where we want her."

Sami asks EJ, "So you know why you kissed me?"