Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Date, The Time, The Position

Stefano figures Will didn't shoot EJ.  He begins to focus his suspicion on Sami.
Sami is relieved when she hears Stefano no longer considers Will a suspect.
Rafe still thinks Will shot EJ.  That's what the FBI pays him the big bucks for - to jump to the wrong conclusion.
Carly helps salvage the disaster that Nicole has made of Chloe's baby shower.
Chloe ends her friendship with Nicole.
Kayla overhears Stephanie and Ian talking about someone switching the paternity test results.
Arianna visits EJ.  He wakes up and calls for Samantha.

See today's full blog or leave comments here

Daniel asks, "What is the problem, Nathan. What is it that you have against Chloe?"

Kayla says, "Come clean with me, Stephanie Johnson."

Rafe says, "I think that Will is gonna become a prime suspect."