Monday, September 27, 2010

EJ thinks he and Sami are married. Lexie encourages Sami to play along with that. Rafe stews.

Stephanie continues to explore the depths of insecurity and lack of self esteem.

Kayla talks to Daniel about Chloe.

Kayla speculates perhaps there wasn't a test switch after all.

Carly pressures Chloe for the identity of her mystery sex partner.

Chloe promises Phillip she won't tell Carly he is the culprit.

Phillip and Melanie find a house.

Melanie tells Carly about hearing Nathan say he loves her in his dream.

Johnny drops a bombshell on EJ - that they are all living with Sami and Rafe.

See today's full blog or leave comments here

Kayla tells Daniel, "I need to talk to you about Chloe."

Carly tells Chloe, "Who that man was is important."

Sami tells Rafe, "I'm not going in there and pretending that I am married to EJ."