Monday, December 24, 2007

Flat Out Lying

Belle tees off on Phillip and tells him, in front of the whole world, that he's out of her life forever.

Chloe tells Phillip she's in danger, but cant give him details.

Sami breaks into Marlena's apartment to set up a Christmas tree. She's there when Chloe arrives for her big smackdown with Marlena.

Stephanie tells Kayla she was raped.

See today's full blog or leave comments here

Kate holds a booze bottle, "Lucas, what are you doing?"

Chelsea zones. Ford stands at the window and says, "Another year another victim. You know they say it gets easier after the second one." Chelsea drops her Christmas bulb.

Stefano says to EJ, "This will be the year the Brady's will finally reap their just rewards."