Stefano tells EJ they have to find a way to get his heir out of jail.
Nick obsesses over Melanie and tries to get closer to her.
Max tends bar at the Cheatin Heart. Abe, Lexie, Stephanie, Chelsea and Phillip coincidentally decide to spend the evening there.
Chelsea and Stephanie both rant about Melanie. Stephanie gets drunk and Phillip takes her home.
Lexie and Abe discuss his possible election as Mayor.
Stefano calls Lexie and starts trying to influence Abe's decisions.
Nicole rots in jail and fakes illness. EJ comes to her rescue, but finds her gone.
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Lexie tells Abe, "Here is something you should know. It has to do with the mayor's murder and my father."
Tony tells Stefano, "Well you're certainly not above getting a little blood on your hands to swing an election."
Phillip tells Daniel, "I'm not putting my faith in anyone — not while my mother is fighting for her life. You will not abandon her again."