Monday, January 12, 2009

Big Bazoons

Other than the fact that absolutely nothing of consequence happens in this episode...

Daniel toasts Chloe and Lucas.

Phillip tells Stephanie he'll have to have her reassigned at Titan so they can keep cavorting.

John's memories start to come out in his hypnotherapy session. Charlotte is evasive.

Marlena tries to find out about Charlotte's past.

Max and Chelsea move close to becoming a couple as they decide they are definitely not a couple.

Victor insults just about everyone at the party.

Mia tells Nicole she has to see her, but Nicole can't get away from EJ.

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Daniel tells Chloe, "That's why you came here... to feel... my touch."

Nicole tells Mia, "There is no other way to say it. You can never meet my fiancée."

Max says, "Nick's getting sentenced today." Stephanie says, "All of his friends should be with him."

Melanie is on the stand in court, "My name is Melanie Layton. It was my father who was killed."