Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Bo and Hope supervise the search for Ciara from the police station. The kidnappers call and make threats.

Victor arranges ransom money for Bo and Hope to give to Ciara's captors.

Stephanie nurses Nathan's wounds as they talk about Phillip and Melanie.

Phillip tells Melanie he quit his job and renounced his family.

Victor finds Stephanie with Nathan and unleashes his wrath on her.

Brady discovers drugs in the pub, but Arianna talks him out of calling the cops.

Melanie resists Phillip but they wind up together in bed at a sleazy motel.

See today's full blog or leave comments here

Daniel tells Kate, "You are one sick lady."

Phillip mumbles, "Stephanie... that part of my life is gone for good."

Bonnie tells Hope, "If you ever want to see your little girl alive again, you'll do exactly what I say."

Hope looks over Bo's shoulder as he works on the computer and says, "Blubber, blubber, snot, gzort, sob, blub, snivel, znork."