Clyde shoots everything in the cabin, including a couple of rats named Bonnie and Mr. Sucker.
Bo and Hope find the cabin after the shooting stops and think Clyde saved Ciara.
Chad talks Mia out of going with Kinzie. Kinzie crashes and winds up in the hospital.
Will thanks Chad for saving Mia's life.
Sami tells Dr. Baker about Grace's death.
Lucas is surprised to find that Nicole and Sami are friends.
Sami ships Johnny and Ali off to Marlena.
Rafe thanks Nicole for caring about Sami and then steals her cell phone.
Baker tells Nicole his price has gone way up.
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A voice, probably Brady, says, "What you're asking me to do..." Daniel interrupts, "Is to help save a life."
Kate tells Chloe, "Someone will have to help you. You're going to be lying here all alone."
Nathan asks, "Now, what about Phillip and Stephanie?" Melanie says, "They're probably going to get back together."
Stephanie says, "We don't exactly have the best track record, you know." Phillip says, "But we have each other. That counts for something."