Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Business Of Pleasure

Anna flirts with John. Tony comes to his senses, but Anna gives him the cold shoulder.

Marlena warms up to the new John.

John asks Tony to use his advertising agency to help Paul Hollingsworth.

Max stuffs himself with carrot cake while Stephanie broods. A little visit with OMB helps Stephanie cope.

Ava forces Hope/Kayla to watch while she puts the moves on Patch. Patch waffles but... men are so weak.

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Lexie asks Bo, "Why don't you want the police involved? What's going on with Hope?"

Ava tells Patch, "Once we're back together again, the world can take care of itself. And if it doesn't, to hell with it."

John asks, "You're leaving?" Marlena says, "Yes, I am."