Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Lava Lamp

Daniel tells Chelsea he's not on her case any more. Chelsea dives into the depths of despair. Nick helps.

Tony and Anna banter about Tony's relationship with Kate.

Stephanie tells Daniel off for dumping Chelsea.

Max and Stephanie take things to the next level.

Bo blames himself for what happened to Chelsea. Hope tries to bring him out of his funk.

Abe and Lexie decide to spend more time together.

See today's full blog or leave comments here

Chelsea asks, "So does this mean you're still gonna be my doctor?" Daniel says, "I wanna be more than just your doctor."

Stephanie says, "I've never been happier in my life." Kayla asks, "And why is that." Stephanie says, "Because I'm in love."

Kayla dangles a baggie in front of Lexie, "Those pills that Ava was taking. You're not gonna believe what they are." Ava screams, "SOMEBODY HELP ME!"