Tuesday, June 3, 2008

I Own You, Punk

Dr. Dan gets chummy with Lexie. He tells Chelsea he's hooking up with someone else who is not really available to him.

Lucas has adventures is babysitting. The cops come and arrest him for breaking the perimeter.

Sami, EJ and Johnny share a jolly, diaper changing family moment at the Java Cafe.

Max goes off the deep end and tries to pick a fight with half of Salem.

John and Phillip cross swords.

Victor comes back and relieves Phillip of all his duties.

See today's full blog or leave comments here

EJ says, "Samantha, would you please make sure that he's not left with the children."

Ava asks, "Are you all right?" John says, "Yeah, go away." Ava says, "No, I can't, 'cause I know what you're going through."

Victor asks Phillip, "Do you really think that she will stay with you after she finds out you spent a half a million dollars on the drugs you planted on John's ship?"