Thursday, June 5, 2008

One Schnitzel Short Of A Picnic Basket

The Brady clan gathers at the pub for the official grand opening of the new, improved green pub.

Max broods and takes off. Nick follows him and brings him back.

Chelsea tells Nick she still wants to be friends. Nick brushes her off.

Bo and Hope question Victor about the drugs at the dock.

John pays a dockworker for information, comes home to find Phillip and Chloe at the mansion and throws them out.

Chloe tells Lucas she wants to be friends. Lucas is skeptical.

Nicole moves in on EJ.

See today's full blog or leave comments here

Bo says, "Yeah we heard. He set you up – Planted the drugs on your ship." John says, "Well here's something you haven't heard. I have proof."

Kate tells Daniel, "I've been in a great deal of pain and I think that there is something very wrong."

Max tells Robbins, "You are a con man and a fraud. And I'm going to let everyone at the university know that."