Tuesday, September 16, 2008

High Maintenance Bad News Women

Stefano tries to use Anna to threaten Tony.

Hope, Kayla and Marlena plan a girl's night out. Marelna tells Hope she caused Stefano's coma.

Theo throws a fit. EJ steps in and plays the hero with him.

Nicole and Daniel commiserate about their love lives. They each figure out whom the other is interested in.

Sami fumes about Lucas having custody. A judge hears about what Sami did and extends Lucas' custody time. Roman advises Sami to take things in stride. Marlena gives her both barrels.

See today's full blog or leave comments here

EJ tells John, "This little cocktail party is probably just his little way of asserting his proprietary rights."

Tony says to Stefano, "So what's your point? Say it straightaway otherwise Anna and I are going to be leaving." Sami says, "I am so over this. I am going to bed."

Stefano says, "Stop it. No one is leaving now. Not until you have seen first hand why our guest of honor has been brought here."