Wednesday, September 10, 2008

That Phony Slut

Paramedics take Nick to the hospital after he is shot. Neither Nick nor Melanie can talk about the incident.

Max says he's going back home to kill Trent, after what Trent tried to do to Melanie.

Phillip figures out that Kate and Daniel had an affair. Morgan soaks it all in. Phillip wants to get back together with Morgan.

Chloe and Lucas live by the old adage, "Save water - shower together."

EJ tells Sami and Nicole to solve their own problems.

Sami goes to the Horton cabin to get Allie. Nicole reports her and the cops arrest her. Lucas gloats.

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Stephanie says, "That's disgusting. He pimped out his own daughter." Max says, "Now maybe you understand why he deserves to die."

John tells Marlena, "I don't think it's a good idea that you see Trent Robbins."

Nick and Melanie kiss as Chelsea walks in.