Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Pure Horsepoop

Daniel gives Chloe yet another lymph node exam. Early tests indicate she will be having twins.

Sami hides all the towels in the safehouse and gets a really good look at Rafe.

Shawn and Belle return to Salem. Realizing his great-niece is back in town, Max asks Claire out on a date but she declines since, at 42, she's too old for him.

EJ attends a show at Radio City Music Hall. Every single one of the Rockettes gets pregnant.

Kate develops another fatal disease. No one knows what it is or how to cure it. Daniel snaps his fingers. Not only is Kate cured, but she also starts dressing like a normal human being.

John and Marlena reconcile and get married. Marlena doesn't know whether to add "DiMera" or "Black" to her collection of last names, so she adds both, becoming Marlena Evans-Craig-Bradford-Brady-Black-North-Black-Dimera-Black-Dimera.

Chelsea gains a pound and considers gastric bypass surgery.

Patch and Kayla break open a bottle of champagne for the new year. While she's cleaning up the glass, Kayla suggests next time Patch just pop the cork instead of using a saber.

Stephano waits on the couch for Kate's answer to his proposal.

Melanie becomes a millionaire when she suddenly loses all her teeth and leaves them under her pillow for the tooth fairy.

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Unfortunately, there is no video today. The DVR saw we were trying to record DOOL and it ran out screaming, "I can't take it any more!"

Brady and Phillip scream at each other. Phillip says, "I'm sorry... I lost my head. Fortunately, it was replacable."

Bo tells Stefano, "I have a search warrant. It gives me the right to search your house for warrants, whatever they are."

Victor yells, "You're fired!" Phillip asks, "What did I do this time?" Victor says, "Nothing. I want Lucas to be my CEO. Inside of a week he'll destroy the company and we will qualify for a government bailout."

Lexie cries, "Theo's autistic." Celeste says, "I didn't even know he could draw."

Hope bawls, "OMG! Ciara is missing!" Roman says, "Calm down. When did you last see her?" Hope is a fountain of tears, "Christmas morning – 2006."

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Chelsea plants a hot kiss on Max and then runs off.

Lucas searches for Chloe.

EJ searches for Nicole.

Tony wonders if Stefano is purposely trying to distract EJ's relationship with Nicole.

Kate asks Chloe to move the date of her wedding up.

Chloe tells Nicole she's not sure she's ready to settle down, and there is someone else.

Dr. Baker thinks he found a baby for Nicole.

Nicole gets stranded.

Chloe falls. Daniel to the rescue.

Max and Stephanie share an uncomfortable moment at the New Year's party.

Melanie orchestrates a little accident for Stephanie.

John crashes Marlena and Charlotte's little party.

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Rafe asks Sami, "You're still trying to find a way to get around me aren't you?"

EJ tells Brady, "It's my fault. I'm the reason she left."

Phillip moves in on Stephanie. Stephanie mouths, "Happy New Year" to Melanie. Melanie steams.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Strictly Platonic

Kate asks Lucas to move the date of the wedding up. Lucas is concerned about why she would ask this.

Chloe fantasizes about Daniel while making love with Lucas. Later she refuses to let Daniel examine her.

Daniel takes flowers to Kate.

Stefano takes the liberty of having a prenuptial agreement drawn up for EJ and Nicole.

Nicole threatens to bring Dr. Baker down if he doesn't find her a baby.

John ignores Marlena. Marlena and Charlotte decide to go out together for New Year's. John overhears their plans.

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Kate tells Lucas and Chloe, "There is something I would like to talk to you about. It involves the two of you.

Chelsea asks Max, "So what's it gonna be... sex or football."

Melanie walks up to Phillip and Stephanie at Chez Rouge, "Hey you guys, I didn't know you would be here. How convenient."

Friday, December 26, 2008

Flesh Eating Bacteria – Need I Say More?

Phillip and Brady play 'Good ruthless executive / Bad ruthless executive' with Melanie.

Chloe and Stephanie discuss Phillip.

Sami and Rafe get closer. Rafe encourages her not to give up her baby. Sami encourages him to lie and say he's the father. Rafe has been-there-done-that.

Nicole meets Jill at the pier and discovers Dr. Baker is in the baby-selling business.

Chloe warns Brady to watch out for Nicole.

Julie tries to give Melanie some advice.

Phillip invites Stephanie out for New Years Eve. Melanie plans a counter-attack.

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Kate says, "I would like to see the wedding happen sooner than later." Lucas asks, "Somethin' you're not telling me?"

Nicole tells Dr. Baker, "Unless you can find me a baby like now, you are going down."

Chloe says, "Dr. Jonas hurt his hand, so I'll be seeing someone else anyway." Daniel says, "Actually, that's not true."

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Stephanie says, "I get it. It's going to be one big train wreck so Phillip and I should stay away from each other." Chloe does a double-take.

Brady says, "All this animosity toward Melanie, It's obviously personal. Phillip says, “Well, you're damn right it’s personal."

Rafe asks, "Where in the world do you even come up with crazy stuff like this?" Sami says, "From you!"

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Stephanie says, "I get it. It's going to be one big train wreck so Phillip and I should stay away from each other." Chloe does a double-take.

Brady says, "All this animosity toward Melanie, It's obviously personal. Phillip says, “Well, you're damn right it’s personal."

Rafe asks, "Where in the world do you even come up with crazy stuff like this?" Sami says, "From you!"

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Your Beard Is Dripping

Sami and Rafe have a Mexican Christmas dinner and exchange presents.

There is a tense Christmas cease-fire between Phillip and Brady.

Chloe and Daniel share uncomfortable come-hither moments.

Lucas remains as clueless as a donut deprived Salem cop.

Patch gets nasty with Stefano.

Melanie plays the role of the Grinch who steals Christmas.

Stephanie tells Chelsea she would have a problem with it if Chelsea and Max hooked up.

Doug and Julie make their semi-annual cameo appearance. Doug reads the Christmas story.
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Sorry, there are no videos today. Our video unit is broken and out for repair.

Rafe asks Sami, "Are you trying to get yourself killed? Because that's exactly what's going to happen if you keep up this reckless behavior."

Max asks, "Are you OK?" Chelsea says, "I just want to establish that we are friends. Friends and nothing more."

Nicole points a gun at Dr. Baker, "There's too much at stake and there is only one way to keep my secret buried forever." Dr. Baker cowers, "No..."

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Very Expensive And Highly Illegal

Maggie and Julie give Chloe a bulb to signify her joining the family. Chloe breaks the bulb to signify what a disaster it will be.

Daniel and Chloe pine away for each other.

Lexie loses Theo at the pier.

Zack helps Bo find Theo.

John and Marlena join Stefano and Tony for a Christmas Party at the DiMera Mansion.

After Brady rejects her, Nicole turns to John for money.

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Sorry, there are no videos today. Our video unit is broken and out for repair.

Nicole asks, "Can you forgive me? I won't ever push you away." EJ kisses her.

Rafe tells Sami, "Time for your present. Trust me, you're gonna light up like the Christmas tree at Rockefeller Plaza."

Melanie says, "That is what Christmas is all about." Stephanie asks, "Is that why you came over here Melanie? To give us the meaning of Christmas?"

Monday, December 22, 2008

The Girl That Gives Girls A Bad Name

Stephanie invites Phillip to the Brady Christmas party. Phillip invites Stephanie to the Kiriakis Christmas party. In other words, they decide to ruin Christmas for each other.

Brady accepts Victor's job offer. Phillip blows his stack. Fortunately, it's his artificial stack.

Bo continues to hallucinate. He tells Hope she's the most beautiful woman he's ever seen.

Chelsea sees Zack's ornament on the tree and has a total meltdown. His ornament sits beside hers on the tree and the colors clash.

Hope and Chelsea bond. They run to the bathroom to purge together.

Daniel releases Kate from the hospital. To a hospice.

Kate wants a picture of Chloe and the necklace. Chloe unbuttons her blouse for a better view and the vice squad raids the hospital.

Theo runs away from home. He finally finishes digging the tunnel and gets past the barbed wire.

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Sorry, there are no videos today. Our video unit is broken and out for repair.

Daniel is on the phone with Chloe, "Oh, you don't have to worry about it." Chloe says, "But I do. And I can't stop."

Nicole tells John, "I need money. A lot. And I can't tell you why."

Bo, Hope and Abe listen as Lexie blubbers, "I think he went off of the pier!" Bo gives us his clairvoyant stare.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Throw The Bitch Out On Her Ass!

Daniel delivers Kate's necklace to the Horton cabin and walks in on Chloe barely dressed. Chloe breaks his hand.

Dr. Baker comes to the DiMera Mansion demanding money.

Nicole asks Brady for a million dollars.

Victor offers Brady a job at Titan.

Max and Chelsea share uncomfortable moments as they get closer.

Victor warns EJ that Nicole is a no-good gold digger.

Lucas and Chloe romp as Chloe fanaticizes about Daniel.

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Video is not available for today's posting. Sorry.

Hope tells Bo, "You had another one of those images, didn't you. I think I know why this is happening to you."

Lucas asks Chloe, "Come on, what's going on here. Is there something you're not telling me?"

Phillip tells Stephanie, "I want to talk to you about surprises. And I have one that's going to blow you away."

Melanie whines at Max, "Do you think we could go somewhere and celebrate Christmas like a normal family?"

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Tis The Season, Bitch!

Maggie and Chloe discuss Chloe's relationship with Lucas.

Phillip quits and then asks Victor for his job back.

Victor tells Melanie Titan will work with her on the fuel project.

Kate looks forward to spending Christmas with her family and Daniel. She asks Daniel to take a present to Chloe.

Daniel surprises scantily clad Chloe at the Horton Cabin.

Nicole and EJ's relationship has its ups and downs, which is appropriate given where it began.

Dr. Baker pays Nicole a visit.

Rafe decides to continue guarding Sami.

Sami collapses, swoons, has baby pains and generally goes through more baby scares than you usually get in a full year of angst-filled soap opera drama.

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Kate asks Chelsea, "Now that it's just you and me, what is up with you and Max?"

Nicole says, "I deserve to be a mother." Dr. Baker says, "You'll have to find someone else to play this charade with you."

Chloe yells, "Leave me alone!" Daniel shouts, "I'm trying to leave you alone!" Lucas asks, "What's going on in here?"

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Phillip fires Melanie.

Melanie tells Victor that Phillip passed up the chance to make millions. Victor confronts Phillip and Phillip quits.

The lights go out on Stephanie and Phillip. They make the most of it.

EJ gives the OK for Dr. Baker to be Nicole's obstetrician. He tells Nicole he's put a bundle in trust for her. Nicole wants the money now. EJ doesn't like sleeping alone.

John asks Marlena to spend Christmas with him.

Charlotte tells John she wants Marlena and him to get back together.

Rafe agrees to continue guarding Sami. Sami collapses.

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Chloe answers the door dressed in her teeny teddy, "I hope you're ready to unwrap your..." YIKES! DR. GROPENSTEIN!

Stephanie says, "Phillip tired to help you and all you did was turn your back on him." Melanie smirks, "Tis the season, bitch!"

Nicole tells EJ, "OK, I am not sharing my bed or my life with you. Not until this issue is resolved."

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Melanie tells Phillip and Stephanie that Nick gave her the rights to his project. She thinks this entitles her to a big new position at Titan.

Nicole goes back to Dr. Baker and tries to convince him to be her obstetrician. Dr. Baker gives her his demands.

EJ tells Stefano to let him and Nicole make her medical decisions. He tracks down Nicole.

Bo continues to have visions. He tells Abe about it and has Daniel examine him.

Chelsea and Max talk at the pier. Max bonds with Theo.

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Rafe says, "My identity has been compromised." Sami asks, "You're stuck in here with me through Christmas?" Rafe says, "It means it's time to get you a new guard."

Marlena asks, "Are you all right." John says, "I need your help, Blondie."

Nicole tells EJ, "You're clearly a DiMera and DiMeras should be fair to me."

Monday, December 15, 2008

A Dumb, Cheesy Flat-Out Lie

Daniel and Chloe struggle with the feelings they have for each other.

Phillip and Stephanie inch forward with their relationship.

Nick gives Melanie a present, and she tells Phillip she'll now have a new position at Titan.

Rafe mends as his relationship with Sami thaws.

Lucas tells Chloe they will have a wonderful life together.

Stephanie and Max have a big fight.

Chelsea advises Max and says she wants to be there for him.

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Stephanie says, "Phillip actually cares about me as a person, and he couldn't give a damn about you." Melanie says, "Well, you wouldn't be saying that if you saw us a couple of weeks ago in my bedroom."

Chelsea strolls at the pier with Theo, "Max, are you OK?"

Daniel tells Nicole, "You're already here and I've got some time, so why don't I check you out right now?"

Friday, December 12, 2008

Christmasitis Stupiditis

Brady exposes Kelly's scam. He tries to convince Nicole to tell the truth. Nicole refuses.

Bo falls as he tries to put the star on top of the Christmas Tree. Kayla treats him. Bo sees things.

EJ assures Nicole he loves her.

Lexie and EJ argue, then reconcile.

Lexie is overjoyed when Theo demands a Christmas present.

Sami performs emergency surgery on Rafe.

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Daniel tells Chloe, "You are engaged to be married. I do not need you to freak out right now."

Chelsea says, "I know that you still love Stephanie." Max erupts, "You don't know anything. I don't love her. I'm never going to love anyone again."

Melanie sits with Phillip and Stephanie, "Things between us are about to change."

Thursday, December 11, 2008

We Always Get Our Penguin

Nicole and Brady meet with a pregnant woman. Nicole wants her baby and gives her money for health care.

Stefano tells Tony he's "traded up" to EJ for the family business.

Tony warns EJ that Stefano will use him.

Lexie tells Stefano to leave her alone.

Melanie "rescues" Phillip and Stephanie from the vault. She runs to Max and tells him Stephanie is making a play for Phillip.

Rafe does some Christmas shopping for Sami and gets more than he bargained for.

Bo puts a star on top of the Christmas tree and a body on the floor.

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Kelly watches as Nicole explodes at Brady, "I don't know why I thought I could trust you.` What made me think you were my friend — because you're not."

EJ lectures Lexie, "You chose your husband's career over your conscience. You crossed that line."

Sami frets, "Rafe, what's is taking you so long?" The baddie roughs up Rafe.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Marlena becomes jealous as Dr. Taylor invades her space and also has a session with John.

Kayla offers advice to Marlena and Stephanie.

Since Rafe and Sami aren't on the show, Melanie and Stephanie fill in with the childish bickering.

Chloe keeps her distance from Daniel.

Lucas assures Kate that Chloe wants to go through with the operation.

Phillip and Stephanie find themselves in a compromising situation.

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Nicole shows Brady a sheet of paper with a baby's picture on it, "I found this on the Internet and, like I said on the phone, it's the answer to my prayers."

Melanie says, "She is making a major play for Phillip and she has already gained significant yardage." Max sighs, "Oh, God."

Phillip asks, "What would have happened if that door hadn't opened?" Stephanie says, "Well now, we'll never know, will we?"

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Fast Track To Hell

Nicole stops short of drugging Brady. Brady promises not to tell EJ she lost the baby.

EJ calls Sami to say goodbye. Sami does not take it well.

Rafe tells Sami he will protect her.

EJ tells Nicole he has chosen her over Sami.

Daniel and Chloe fight the feelings they may be developing for each other.

The mayor's assassin gets information about Rafe.

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Sorry, no video. Our equipment failed today.

Chloe yells at Daniel, "I don't want any special treatment. I'll wait for a nurse, OK?" Lucas walks in, "Everything OK?"

Melanie says to Stephanie, "Let me get one little itty bitty thing straight. I don't take orders from you."

Kate tells Daniel, "You literally gave me life. Thank you for making it so worth living."

Monday, December 8, 2008

Believe In The Magic Of The Pickle

Sami and Rafe's relationship softens as Rafe struts his towel-clad bod and Sami bakes him gingerbread cookies.

Lucas finally heeds the advice he's been getting for years and goes and jumps in a lake. Well, technically he jumps in a river.

Chloe tells Nicole she hopes Brady isn't slipping back into drugs.

Brady refuses to play along with Nicole and tells her either she will tell EJ she lost the baby or he will. Nicole spikes his drink.

Stefano urges EJ to marry Nicole.

EJ calls Sami with a message that will change her life.

Chelsea convinces Max to open the box Trent left him.

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Sami says, "There is something wrong. I can hear it in your voice." EJ says, "I'm calling to say goodbye."

Chloe is on the phone with Daniel. She asks, "What's the problem." Daniel says, "Well, can you come by the hospital? We'll talk about it when you get here."

Sami rants, "Baby or not this is Nicole we are talking about and she is going to screw up his life."

Friday, December 5, 2008

Enough Yak-A-Doodle-Doo, Kitten Lips

John finds Brady with a suspicious vial and accuses him of still being on drugs.

Rafe bumbles around the DiMera Mansion. Nicole catches him and threatens him with a shoe.

Stefano and EJ turn the tables on the baddies in their botched diamond deal.

Sami and Rafe grow more childish by the minute.

Max apologizes to Nicole for being relieved when they accused her of Trent's murder.

Stefano lectures EJ about the necessity of always being prepared.

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Sami yells at Rafe, "Don't you see, your life is still in danger and it's all because of me."

Stefano tells EJ, "If you love her as much as you say you love her, marry her and be a family."

Brady tells Nicole, "When he finds out... and he will find out... that you've been trying to put one over, he's going to eliminate you."

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Hysterical Feminism

Daniel vows to find a way to use Chloe as Kate's bone marrow donor even though Chloe has had cancer.

Kate refuses to put Chloe at risk. Chloe insists on being the donor.

Nicole has a meltdown when she finds out Stefano has called in a specialist to examine her. Stefano backs down.

I would say Rafe and Sami's bickering gets more juvenile, but can't because there is no level below infantile.

Hilda shows Sami a little kindness.

Rafe disguises himself as a cable guy and sneaks around the DiMera mansion.

Stefano and EJ get involved in a diamond caper which goes very wrong.

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Brady asks John, "Why don't you go tell Marlena and Chloe and Nicole that I'm a drug addict?"

Max says, "I owe you an apology." Nicole wrinkles her brow.

Sr. Fontaine asks, "Any last words, old friend?" EJ looks at Stefano, "Father."

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Daniel tests family, friends and former patients to find a bone marrow donor for Kate. He gives Kate a Christmas ornament.

Melanie volunteers to be tested, but Phillip dumps on her before he finds out.

Patch and Kayla grill Stephanie about why she is so upset.

John warms up to Dr. Charlotte Taylor. Marlena simmers.

Chelsea is upset about Kate's condition. Max tries to console her.

Lucas and Chloe romp and then run to the hospital for Kate's test results.

The test results come in. They reveal a surprising donor.

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Chloe tells Lucas, "I wish you didn't know how I wish I didn't know I was a match."

Rafe says, "Everything is going to be fine." Sami says, "You have no idea how dangerous Stefano DiMera is."

Stefano says, "It is not EJ that wants to talk to you. I do." Nicole asks, "About what?" Stefano says, "I think it's time that we both put our cards on the table, don't you?"

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Funerals Are Overrated — I Had One Last Year

Sami and Rafe take childishness to a new level as they continue to bicker. Rafe attacks some poor schmuck who stumbles into the church and forbids Sami to go back there again.

John warms up to his new shrink.

Marlena and Kayla discuss John and Marlena's issues.

Patch tries in vain to get a clue. Failing that, he puts the moves on Kayla.

Nicole bribes Dr. Baker.

Stefano calls in a new doctor to examine Nicole.

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Lucas asks, "Are you sure you're happy?" Chloe says, "Yes, I really am."

Kate says, "I think you're putting too much pressure on yourself." Daniel says, "This is only about you."

Stephanie says, "I got tested. It's probably a long shot, but you never know." Phillip repeats, "You never know."

Monday, December 1, 2008

Hell Hath No Fury Like A DiMera Scorned

Bo takes Trent's mystery Box to Max. Max still doesn't want to open it. He takes it to Melanie, but she doesn't want to open it either.

Nicole tells Brady she will tell EJ about the baby eventually.

EJ gets upset when he finds Nicole and Brady together. He takes Nicole back to see Dr. Baker and get the real story about what happened.

Bo and Brady meet at the pub. Bo warns Brady to stay away from Nicole.

Phillip tells Melanie her job starts right away. He gives her something to work on.

Stephanie asks Phillip why he hired Melanie.

Rafe takes Sami to the convent and their relationship begins to thaw.

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Patch says, "Let's get out of here... get you all liquored up... put on some Barry White..." He does his best Barry White imitation, "Whad'ya say, babe?" Kayla giggles.

Marlena sticks out her hand, "I'm Dr. Marlena Evans." Charlotte says, "I'm Dr. Taylor." Marlena says, "No, that's impossible."

Sami says, "I'm not gonna try anything. Rafe asks, "Why is this so important to you." Sami says, "It just is." Rafe says, "No."