Monday, December 22, 2008

The Girl That Gives Girls A Bad Name

Stephanie invites Phillip to the Brady Christmas party. Phillip invites Stephanie to the Kiriakis Christmas party. In other words, they decide to ruin Christmas for each other.

Brady accepts Victor's job offer. Phillip blows his stack. Fortunately, it's his artificial stack.

Bo continues to hallucinate. He tells Hope she's the most beautiful woman he's ever seen.

Chelsea sees Zack's ornament on the tree and has a total meltdown. His ornament sits beside hers on the tree and the colors clash.

Hope and Chelsea bond. They run to the bathroom to purge together.

Daniel releases Kate from the hospital. To a hospice.

Kate wants a picture of Chloe and the necklace. Chloe unbuttons her blouse for a better view and the vice squad raids the hospital.

Theo runs away from home. He finally finishes digging the tunnel and gets past the barbed wire.

See today's full blog or leave comments here

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Daniel is on the phone with Chloe, "Oh, you don't have to worry about it." Chloe says, "But I do. And I can't stop."

Nicole tells John, "I need money. A lot. And I can't tell you why."

Bo, Hope and Abe listen as Lexie blubbers, "I think he went off of the pier!" Bo gives us his clairvoyant stare.