Monday, April 27, 2009


Lexie tells Stefano he has diabetes and needs to change his decadent lifestyle.

Sami continues to spew her venom at Rafe until they wind up romping at her place.

Max tells Chelsea about his plans to attend school in Chicago and asks if she wants to go with him.

Phillip wonders what he has gotten Stephanie into. She wants to be with him in spite of everything.

Phillip kicks Lexie out of his hospital room.

Stefano sneaks out of the hospital and heads for Brunei, leaving EJ in charge of the DiMera empire.

See today's full blog or leave comments here

Brady tells Chloe, "If I never hear the words Nicole DiMera again I think I'll be better off."

Will asks Mia, "Why are you so closed off?"

Hope tells Nicole, "That family will destroy you. They will chew you up and spit you out."

Sami says, "I don't know how many different ways you need me to say this to you, EJ. I am not in love with you."