Brady tries to get Victor and Phillip to end their mission for revenge.
Chelsea says a tearful goodbye to Max and Bo.
Rafe and Sami giggle their way through the episode in the Java Cafe as Nicole taunts them. Rafe asks Sami out for a date.
Nicole tries again to get Dr. Baker to leave town. Baker tells her to keep her mouth shut and things will be fine.
Bo tells Victor to back off and says he will handle the investigation into the attempts on Phillip's life.
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Will says to Mia, "She said you went to rehab for drugs. I want the truth. Is that really why you left Salem West?"
Rafe tells Sami, "You're the only person I have ever brought up here, or ever want to."
Victor tells Phillip, "Our plan is complete. Everything is as it should be."
Dr. Baker tells EJ, "I had nothing to do with your father's disappearance, but I think I know someone who might."