Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A Smokin' Hot Pain In The Ass

Rafe and Sami continue their journey of carnal bliss. Rafe decides he needs to make a commitment.

EJ tells Phillip he has Stephanie held captive. Phillip wants to exchange Stef for Steph. Victor vetoes it.

Brady and Arianna banter through a cutesy little gratuitous shirtless scene.

Melanie contemplates selling Stephanie's gold earring online.

Victor tells Stefano they have run out of insulin and he doesn't have much time.

Stephanie attempts to make Owen think she likes him while making a couple of attempts on his life. Owen ain' too sharp.

See today's full blog or leave comments here

(Sorry about the quality of this video, but that's what I'm getting from the satellite these days):

Sami asks Rafe, "Are you asking me to marry you?"

Phillip tells Victor, "Thinking like that gets people dead."

Stephanie struggles, "Let go of me!" Owen yells, "Don't make me hurt you!"

Nicole asks EJ, "Something's gone wrong, hasn't it?"