Thursday, May 21, 2009

Supernatural Bonding

Sami tries to convince Will her relationship with Rafe is a good thing. Will thinks she's lying about something.

Arianna tells Rafe that Sami isn't good for him.

Sami overhears what Arianna says. Rafe comforts her broken ego.

Mia and Will get stuck with Grace. Mia and Grace continue to bond.

Phillip calls EJ to arrange the Stepf-Stef swap.

Max and Arianna discuss Sami and Rafe.

Bumbling Owen tries to comfort Stephanie.

See today's full blog or leave comments here

Sorry, the video of today's previews is unavailable. The satellite transmission was terrible and all we can say about tomorrow's episode is it looks like we have appearances from Caroline, Lucas, Brady, Bo, Phillip, Stephanie and Owen.