Hope and Carly both discover Bo said Carly came back to Salem for him. They both confront him and things get ugly for Bo.
Gabi agrees to go to Vancouver with Chad and the gang.
Mia confesses she likes both Will and Chad and doesn't want to lose either of them.
Hope is consoled by the fact that Justin is (say it with her) there for her.
Phillip tells Carly she should apologize to Hope.
They arrest the woman who grabbed the ransom money. Sami recognizes her.
EJ desperately tries to phone Anna, but can't reach her.
Since Sami and EJ brought in the feds, the kidnappers make more threats.
Melanie decides she wants a big wedding. Vivian wants to help with the plans.
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Hope asks, "I have to wonder, was my marriage ever worth saving?"
Carly screams at Vivian, "What did you do." She rushes to Melanie lying on the ground, "No... no, baby... no, baby."
Sami screams, "What is she gonna do to my little girl."