Brady prevents Troy's hired gun from killing Arianna.
Stephanie lectures Nathan for asking her out then getting arrested over Melanie.
Nathan tells Stephanie if they're going to get back together, it's up to her.
Sami, EJ, Chad and Mia all trash Nicole at her sentencing hearing.
Brady testifies on Nicole's behalf.
Gabi attends the hearing and gets an earful.
Phillip and Melanie engage in pre-marital calisthenics. Melanie fantasizes about Nathan.
Melanie wants to honeymoon in Europe so she can introduce Phillip to her past escapades. Oh, yeah, that'll work out well.
Melanie quits nursing school so she and Phillip can go on their extended European honeymoon.
Judge Goldberg announces he has made his decision about Nicole's sentence.
See today's full blog or leave comments here
Note: The following clip is in black and white, which is the way I received the feed this morning. This is a problem with my equipment. The actual show will be broadcast in color.
Arianna tells Brady, "I don't understand you, and I'm beginning to think that I never will."
Gabi tells Chad, "Stay away from me, OK?"
Nicole tells the group, "There is something I need to say."