Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Nothing Like A Roll In The Hay To Forget Your Troubles

The Horton clan gets an eyeful as Hope and Carly stage the smackdown of the century.

Bo joins the argument and gets a heapin' helpin' of Hope.

Brady, Arianna, Daniel and Chloe gather at the Java Café after a night at the opera.

Arianna overhears Chloe tell Daniel that in order for Brady to stay with her, Arianna will have to become his "project."

Troy finds out Arianna will be alone in the pub during Mickey's funeral and makes plans for the hit.

Maggie and Melanie join Hope and they all gang up on Carly.

Carly decides to leave town. Bo talks her out of it.

Melissa's flight is cancelled, but it's Phillip and the Titan jet to the rescue.

Melanie tells Phillip there is nothing going on between her and Nathan.

Nathan tells Stephanie there is nothing going on between him and Melanie.

Nathan tells Phillip there is nothing going on between him and Melanie.

Melanie and Nathan wonder if there is something going on between them.

Mia comforts Maggie in her time of loss.

Will tells Lucas he and Mia broke up. Lucas thinks Will should be there for her anyway.

See today's full blog or leave comments here

EJ says, "I just came to offer my condolences." Brady says, "Send a card. You're not welcome here."

Vivian tells Victor, "I know who Carly's daughter is."

Hope tells Bo, "It feels like there is no going back now."