Monday, January 4, 2010

Vile And Disgusting Things

Troy hires a sleazeball to whack Arianna.

Brady tells Arianna he went to see Nicole, but assures her it was only to help get Sydney back.

Anna calls Sami and EJ with her demands. She says she only wants to deal with Sami and warns her not to tell anyone.

Agent Tim visits Rafe with some big news.

Rafe warns Brady that Arianna had better not get hurt while Brady is helping Nicole.

Bo and Hope just can't figure things out. Justin moves out of the Kiriakis mansion.

Maggie advises Bo and tells him she and Mickey have resolved to spend more time together.

Arianna warns Gabi to be careful about Chad.

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Nathan tells Stephanie, "I'm making some major changes and they start with you."

Mr. Sleazy holds a gun and creeps up on Arianna.

Sami is on the witness stand, "We don't know if we're ever gonna see her again and it's all because of Nicole."