Monday, March 30, 2009

And The Gloves Come Off

Roman tells Sami he thinks adopting Grace was a bad decision.

Rafe tells Will he should support his mother.

Victor apologizes to Phillip.

Hope grills Nicole. Bo tires to keep the people in the waiting area from killing each other.

Nicole refuses to tell what happened at the pier until she knows Tony's fate.

Caroline sticks up for Sami.

Stefano wants answers.

Tony dies.

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Kate tells Chloe, "I am going to make you a star."

Lucas squeals at Sami, "That baby is yours and EJ's."

Phillip tells Victor, "Now he's dead. I'm going to have to deal with that for the rest of my life."

EJ says, "Phillip Kiriakis killed my brother." Brady says, "It's not true. Nicole, tell Hope that it was an accident."