Monday, March 2, 2009


Chloe tells Lucas she wants to make it all up to him and get back together. Lucas says she can tell him anything.

EJ and Sami argue about Nicole and the kids. Sami tells EJ a part of her will always love him.

Chloe advises Nicole to chill out over EJ's relationship with Sami. Nicole don' wanna'.

Daniel tells Chelsea about Kate's remission. He encourages her to be with Max.

Will tells Lucas he plans to finish the semester at Salem High.

Lucas asks Will to be his best man at the wedding.

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Bo tells Hope, "You were in bed making love to another man."

Chelsea asks, "You're asking me to trust you." Max mumbles.

Nicole holds Sydney, "Waitaminue, maybe it doesn't have to be this way."

Sami hugs Rafe, "Just be careful, OK?"