Max discovers Melanie stole the blueprints.
Melanie goes to Tony for more money. He gives her the brush off.
Melanie tells Max about her deal with Tony and runs back to Phillip.
Phillip kicks Melanie out and decides Tony could be the key to everything.
EJ discovers Nicole and Brady together again.
Mia arrives at the DiMera mansion looking for Nicole, but finds Tony. She tells Tony Sydney is her baby, not Nicole's.
The whole clan descends on St. Luke's for the christening.
Nicole tells Sami no one will pull her family apart.
Tony confronts Nicole with the fact that Sydney is not her baby.
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Will asks, Mia, "Where are you from? Are you from out of town?"
Phillip tells Stephanie and Brady, "I will get those damn plans back."
Rafe tells sister Mary Octogenarian, "This whole thing with Sami is different. What happened before is never going to happen again."
Sami holds Sydney and tells EJ, "She's so happy. It's like she knows me."
Nicole says, "That baby is mine." Tony says, "The truth will come out, Nicole."