Chelsea hears Max talking about kids, tells him they have to end their relationship and runs to Daniel for help.
Kate continues to suck up to Chloe as she plots to ruin her life.
Kate tells Daniel she thinks someone knows a reason why Chloe and Lucas shouldn't marry.
Stephanie and Chelsea talk about their relationships with Phillip and Max.
Sami asks Abe to help get Rafe a job.
Rafe goes to see Roman about a job.
Sami and Lucas argue.
Chloe asks Lucas to elope.
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Will says, "You just seem that way." Sami asks, "What way?" Will says, "Like you think something bad is going to happen."
Chloe says, "I just want to be married to you as soon as possible." Lucas says, "Yeah, and I'm not buying it."
Nicole asks, "What the hell are you doing here. Dr. Baker says, "Well, you know what they say, the truth... will set you free... that's what I'm gonna do for you."