Chelsea and Daniel show up at the Brady Independence Day party. Bo and Victor butt in.
Lucas is despondent over the fact that Sami still has feelings for EJ. He runs to Chloe.
Sami tells EJ they are through even if she does have feelings for him.
John catches Ava swiping the disc in the lab. She talks him into destroying it.
The Great Salem Blackout of 2008 hits with full force. Chloe and Lucas are trapped in an elevator as are EJ and Nicole.
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Lucas says, "I just don't know how I can go from one person to the next that quick." Chloe says, "Well, let me see if I can help."
Kate walks into the party, sees Daniel and Chelsea going at it and gasps, "NO!" She faints.
Sami says, "Then it's John, isn't it? What's he done now?" Marlena says, "I've lost him. This time it's for good."