Chloe and Lucas romp in Elevator #1 while Nicole and EJ romp in Elevator #2.
Max and Stephanie set the pub up as an emergency shelter while Max obsesses about his childhood, and wonders if he has a sister.
Sami is at the Salem Inn and she intercepts EJ and Nicole as firemen rescue them from the elevator. Sami quickly figures out what happened and gives EJ both barrels.
Firemen rescue Chloe and Lucas as Lucas tries to make his getaway. The cops catch him and drag him off to jail, leaving a screaming Sami behind.
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Patch says, "I want you to stay away from him. I want you to promise me." Stephanie says, "I'm sorry I can't do that."
EJ says, "I just want to talk about what happened last night." Nicole says, "What's there to talk about? It was sex. No big deal."
Max says, "I think I might have a sister. Caroline repeats, "A sister." Max says, "And I'm afraid I'm gonna have to go find her."