Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Money-Grubbing Whore

Chloe and Daniel continue their endless cycle of Chloe saying it's over, Daniel insisting it isn't and face-sucking.

Kate sees Daniel and Chloe kissing. She runs to tell Lucas, but Lucas' mouth gets in the way.

Victor and Phillip argue. Phillip wants to try to get back together with Stephanie.

Sami returns, gets to hold Sydney, gathers up Johnny and heads to the hospital when she finds out about Lucas' injury.

Nicole accuses EJ of still being in love with Sami.

Rafe shares a tender moment with Grace. Sister Teresa thinks Sami and Rafe care for each other.

See today's full blog or leave comments here

Stephanie asks, "Do you still think that we can overcome our differences?" Phillip says, "Actually, no."

Kate asks Chloe, "Why were you at Daniel's apartment."

Sami tells Lucas, "Please make sure that no one ever finds out that I was pregnant – especially EJ."

Bo tells Hope, "You don't want me near you so why don't you get out of my sight?"